Wednesday, 21 November 2012

My 1st Blog Post Regarding Accounting Information System [DAC0163] Mini Blogging Project

This blog made by a group of two, me and my friend; Nabilah & Qila. This blog is mainly about Accounting Information System (AIS) [DAC0163]; which is one of the current subjects that we're taking here at Management & Science University (MSU), Shah Alam, as a student of Diploma in Accountancy (DIA).

On our first day in the lab class with Sir Noreffendy Mohamed, who is teaching us AIS; he passing us paper about what we need to do for our starting point in learning AIS and "Mini Blogging Project" is one of the main things.

Well, let's just say that most of us (more like all student in the class) were shocked; since not all of us have any experiences with blogging. Though, we're lucky since Sir give us choice whether to do it individually or by a group of two.

I think the idea of using blog as a purpose of discussion and academic learning is a great interesting way of learning this subject for us. By doing this, we're not only have the opportunity of learning AIS, but also the chance to learn using Blogger and others thing that is needed to make the blog more interesting; since this blog is publish to public. This make it that not only us who could learn about it, but others too.

Thank you, Sir Noreffendy for giving us the opportunity.

Of course good luck to our others class member and hopefully we could achieve the main purpose of Mini Blogging Project.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Accounting Information System [DAC0163] Disclaimer

This blogging mini project is part of creative and innovative teaching under Accounting & Information System [DAC0163]

All posts made by the owner of this blog is solely for the purpose of discussion and academic learning only and to fulfill the requirement of the mini project Accounting & Information System [DAC0163].

This is a pioneer mini project for Accounting & Information System [DAC0163] and any advantages or disadvantages occurred will be taken into consideration for improvement in the future.