Sunday 16 December 2012

UBS skills that we have learned untill today

Assalamualaikum !!

From this topic,we are going to tell you all about what did Sir Noreffendy Mohamed did taught us in the lab classes. Sir Noreffendy did taught us on how to use the UBS system since our 1st session class. In the 2nd class of our lab classes,we had learned a few new skills about the UBS system. Therefore,in this post,we are going to tell you everything about the UBS system that Sir Noreffendy taught us.

At the end of this post,i will upload the tutorial video on how to use the UBS system so that you can get all of the information more clearly. We hope that u guys enjoyed yourself to watch that video and hope that the video that we publish will not makes you all bored.

 -Sir Noreffendy ask us to :
1.   Entering the UBS system. Then we have to click "ADD" to create a new company.
2.   "TYPE" the company name and also the directory. For example :
           a)   Company name : nabilahqila04-DIA
           b)   Directory : ASGN1

3.   After that we have to "SAVE", then "CANCEL"
4.   Then we have to "SIGN IN" as ADMIN and also "TYPE" the password that had been given to us.

             # As u can see the picture above,the DATE also we have to "CHANGED" 
follow the basis year of  the transactions.

5.   After sign in,we have to go to "SETUP WIZARD" to update about the "COMPANY DETAILS".
6.   Here we have to update the company again by go to the "HOUSEKEEPING" ---> "SETUP" --->

#  As u can see the red box above in the picture, you have to be very carefully on the accounting year.
We have to change the "LAST ACCOUNTING YEAR" at the "CLOSING DATE".

7.   Next, we have to go to the "GENERAL" and click the 1st general which is "GENERAL LEDGER
       A/C MAINTAINANCE" to enter the journal.

8.   After finish,you have to go back to the "GENERAL" and click the 2nd general which is "ENTER
      OPENING BALANCES" to check added journal. The example you can see from the above
9.   Then,you go to the "TRANSACTIONS" and click the 2nd transactions which is "ORGANIZES
      BATCHES". You have to add all the batches as shown below :

10.  After that, you go back to the "TRANSACTIONS" and click the 1st transactions which is
       "TRANSACTIONS FILE MAINTAINANCE" to add all the transactions that you have made.

       # From the picture above,as you can see,when you want to add the transactions,you have to :
                     a)  "CHOOSE THE BATCHES"
                     b)  "ENTER DATE"
                     c)  "ENTER ACCOUNT NUMBER"
                     d)  "ENTER DESCRIPTION"
                     e)  "ENTER THE AMOUNT IN (DEBIT) OR (CREDIT)
                     f)   "CLICK SAVE"
                     g)  "CLICK ACCEPT"

11.  After we finish all the add and edit,to check back the transactions whether all the transactions
       that we add is correct or not,we go to the "TRANSACTIONS" and click the 3rd transcations
12.  The last skills that we have learned is to do a "BACKUP FILE". We have to go to "FILE" and
       click "BACKUP" and choose to backup on our C-drive.

13.   Lastly,we have to go to "MY COMPUTER" in our dekstop which contain the C-drive and click it.
        After that we will see the backup files folder and click it. Inside it we can see our backup files
        from the UBS system. But,you have to be CAREFUL and do not double click at the backup
        document because it might cause the document to CORRUPTION. So,we have to click our right
        hand side mouse at the document and click rename. Then,we change the document name to
        our name such as "BACKUP.ACC1.NABILAHQILA.GC".  

 - Sir Noreffendy taught us another skills of the UBS system. Such as :

1.   Like in the 1st class,we have to entering the UBS system and sign in as admin.
2.   Then go to "HOUSEKEEPING" ---> clear files, generate sample chart ---> choose option 1 to
      clear both chart of account transactions.
3.   After that we can only restore the document that we had create earlier. We need to go to "FILE"
      and click "RESTORE". Then choose C-drive.
4.   Next,we have to enter the business transactions with
                     ~ ADD ENTRY
                     ~ QUICK ENTRY
5.   After we finish add and save the transactions, we have to do the backup again for the changes
      that we have made.


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